Order your very own Pet Portrait Painting. Choose your favorite photo you would like painted of your pet and see it come to life created handpainted acylic on canvas.
After you have made your purchase, please don't forget to email us at: impastocreative@gmail.com with your pet photo, along with any special requests you may have!
All paintings are custom hand painted with much love and attention. They are created with high grade materials and come securely packaged for delivery. 3-6 days turnaround time.
NOTE: All paintings are custom made based on the photo you will send, you will not receive the painting shown in the photo. Sample below of a finished painting based from a photo you will send.
Current size options are:
8 x 10
11 x 14
16 x 20
If you need a different size please email us at: impastocreative@gmail.com